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Gaya Street comes alive

Day 2

We set off to KK's famous Gaya Street on Sunday with knapsacks on our backs and sunblock on our necks.

The streets leading to #Gayastreet were quiet and peaceful with shutters mostly pulled down.

Locals were relaxing, blowing tea and enjoying the slower than usual pace in Kota Kinabalu.

A simpler side of #KK that I enjoyed. Human traffic got busier and footsteps faster as we approached Gaya.

The famous Sunday market sells everything - from I Love Sabah keychains and robusta coffee powder to electric eel and leech oil.

Kopi lovers forming a 20 metre queue at this famous stall.

This fish stall sells fighting fish in psychedelic colours and Taiwanese baby Koi (Rm30 per Koi, price varies with size).

A stretch of open-air charity massage and music performances was set up for the Sabah Society for the Blind.

Thanks for the nice capture Eu

As we explored different stalls, something caught our attention and curiosity. We saw little creatures in cages.

Dog, cat, rabbit, bird, chick, tortise. You can buy them as pets or as dinner... Depending on your nationality.

Villagers brought along all sorts of cactus, succulent and avacado plants, including rare exotic ones found in the jungle.

Bubu pound-chest bargained and slashed price from Rm139 to Rm115 for a heavy duty chopping board made from 铁木. But what she wants to chop?

The fella claimed the board is water-resistant 不会发霉, 保证 confirm, guarantee.

要阵盐水三天, 每天都要换水, 记得。(Must soak in salt water 3 days. Change water every day)

There goes the extra space (and weight) in my luggage...

Eugene bought rocket fuel strong kopi powder. The type you can smell from one kilometre away.

Street basker playing pop hits with traditional instrument

Mr Gaya Street also nearly spent his hard earned Rm5 on a packet of Daun Dipukul Tidak Mati (打不死叶) from a Morgan Freeman lookalike.

He suspected Freeman was a goddess of mercy in disguise, removing human suffering but never pressing you to buy those holy leaves.

"Soak in rice wine. Apply on skin. Cure blue black, muscle ache, stiff joint, sore throat, stroke, toothache and Covid-19."

Celebrities visit Sabah and Gaya all year round. Stars like Louis Koo, Shuqi and Nicholas Tse were spotted last time.

Today, we happened to see one. A household name among Gen X, he is hotter than 李南星 with his swag and good looks.

Many people lingered around him.

Yes. Mr Ultraman stopped by at Gaya. Acting gig not picking up. Now he cari makan as basker. Bubu being a musician said his violin skills got standard.

Can you guess what pop song he played?

I threw my hp to Eugene and grabbed my childhood hero for a picture, tempted to do the Ultraman sign but scared paisay (cos I'm wearing his enemy's shirt).

Tired from 2 hours of shopping. It was a fun Sunday morning. We went for our favourite drink. Its Kitzai madness! The hot drink tasted more flavourful.

Bubu stamped feet in protest when I told her to soak in one last round of Sunday madness before heading back to hotel.

I told Bubu it's Louis Koo in disguised. She laughed, gave me a Cantonese remark and walked away.

That's all for Gaya Streets. This is da place to hang out if you visit KK on a Sunday.

So what song did my hero play on his fiddle?

Next post coming soon! Bye 👋


© 2023 By Formylittlebubu. Precious short stories of our little lives on earth

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